I love this time of year. I love hopping on Facebook and reading what all my friends are thankful for. I love holding hands with family members around the table and remembering the blessings God has given us. I love putting Colossians 3:17 into practice, “…do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”

But sometimes giving thanks is hard. dnd guest post

My middle son has autism. He struggles to communicate. He has digestive and sleeping issues. Can I give thanks in that?

We’ve been in the process of adopting for more than three years. We were recently matched with a little boy in China. But we still have to wait. Wait up to two months for a document to process. Wait until the Chinese government clears us to travel. Can I give thanks in that?

We all have situations in our lives that are difficult right now. Money issues, marriage issues, job issues, family issues. Leakey faucets, broken dryers, a car that needs new tires before it snows. How can we give thanks?

Read more at Do Not Depart!


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